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Il Fortino di Vada
This was my first long exposure photography.
It was 2005 and I was very attracted by the artistic possibilities that long photographic exposures could give.
Abstract and minimalism have always been two genres that I have always loved in the art world. Not only in photography but also in painting and architecture.
I managed to find on the internet (in those days they weren't easily found) a German 10 stop screw-in filter the size of my lens.
The first day I received the filter, I couldn't wait to try it.
So I thought about which subject to shoot to enhance the capabilities of the ND filter and I thought of that ruin of a wartime fort located between Vada and the white beaches of Rosignano.
I said to myself: "Maybe something interesting comes out with a balanced composition".
I took backpack, tripod and ... this is the result of my FIRST long exposure photography.
Vada | Livorno province | Tuscany region | Italy

Fine Art Prints
Open Editions Powered by PIXELS/FINE ART AMERICA
Choose your fine art print between 5 different materials:
- Art Print (unframed or framed print | 8 types of different papers)
- Canvas Print (gallery wrap or museum wrap)
- Metal Print
- Acrylic Print
- Wood Print
Choose the size of the prints:
- Landscape and portrait typical dimensions are:
from 14x20 cm (8x5.5 in) to 180x120 cm (72x48 in)
- Square typical dimensions are:
from 20x20 cm (8x8 in) to 120x120 cm (48x48 in)

Price starts at 19€ | 22$

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